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An independent report to government from the Regulation Horizons Council about the regulation of space technologies and a study by RAND Europe into the intersection of emerging technologies with the space domain.
prospectiveQuantum 2042 QUANTUM 2042 EST UNE ÉTUDE PROSPECTIVE MENÉE PAR LE CEA ET FUTURIBLES. CETTE ÉTUDE A POUR VOCATION D’EXPLORER LES POSSIBLES APPLICATIONS DU CALCUL QUANTIQUE À L’HORIZON 2042. Depuis plus de trente ans, le CEA est un acteur majeur de la recherche fondamentale et appliquée dans le domaine du calcul quantique, notamment avec la […]
Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is releasing an updated list of critical and emerging technologies (CETs) that are potentially significant to U.S. national security. This 2024 update outlines technologies that could chart new pathways in American innovation and strengthen the nation’s security. “This list supports our ongoing efforts to…
Using future scenarios to explore challenges and pathways for action in relation to international security and specifically arms control and disarmament.
New Technologies
DefenseScoop was recently briefed on the DOD’s nascent cross-functional team and its exploratory process.
Not a backdrop, an illusion or an emergent phenomenon, time has a physical size that can be measured in laboratories
The high-accuracy service (HAS) offered by Galileo is now available. Galileo HAS provides provides sub-meter accuracy over most of the globe.
Depuis le 24 février 2022, la guerre russo-ukrainienne confirme le rôle central des drones armés dans toutes les dimensions du combat. Elle nous interroge plus largement sur la robotisation du champ de bataille, sur le concept de confrontation de haute intensité et sur la place de l’humain dans le prochain conflit. Le combat de haute […]
Présenté comme le "game changer" ultime de la guerre, ce nom passe partout cache une réalité bien différente... Seulement c’est quoi un « drone autonome » ?
Elon said no thanks to using his mega-constellation for navigation. Researchers went ahead anyway.
A goal of mine has always been to get individuals interested in obtaining a better understanding of geodesy. I hope this column helps whet our appetites.
The NATO Security Force Assistance Centre of Excellence is a multinational entity that today is sponsored by Albania and Slovenia with Italy as Framework nation.
Research reveals that Universal Defence and Security Solutions (UDSS) is unique in the world - we have the largest pool of former UK military, from 4* to warrant officer, across land, sea, air and Civil Service. As a result, we are able to cover policy and strategy through to technical advice, across the breadth of the defence and security sectors and in all domains.
Analyses de films de science-fiction et Arborescence de la SF : en parlant de demain, ces histoires nous parlent avant tout d'aujourd'hui !
FuturHebdo : nous entendons décrire le monde tel qu'il sera dans plusieurs décennies ...
Experimentation and Wargaming Online Press Room
Blog de Michel Goya
Integrated, Expeditionary, Command, Control, Communications & Computing (C4) Capability Enables Secure Mission Planning